It has proof of primitive settlements, predominately of the eneolítico, the epoch of bronze and íberos, assentats at the municipal term, at places how Cabeço (hill) of Mariola or of the Cave, Cabeço of Serrelles, Cave of the Bolumini, Cabeço of the Monserraes and Lloma of Carbonell. There is also a necropolis with tombs excavated at the rock at the proximities of the farm of the Pou.

The core originari of the ongoing populace, taking into account his toponymy, went a Muslim place, situated at a crossing of routes farmers and of military importance. The name of Alfafara comes probably of the voice “ALFAWARA” , that at Arabic means “font that brolla with violence”, and that probably references at a jump of water that, at rainy epochs, lair since the tall of a crag designated Crag of the “Xorro”.
After the conquest of Biar for Jaime And, the year 1245, this Muslim place concedes at lordship at Ximén Pérez of Oriz (year 1248); later (1392), it goes being sold at Artés’s Pere; the heirs of the that sold it at the king Alfonso V at 1416, converting like this at real place. The year 1436, under the reign of this king, acquaintance how The Magnànim, with the purpose to obtain fund for Sicília’s campaigns and Naples, the place of Alfafara goes being sold at the villa of Bocairent, at which belonged until 1632, that the king Felipe IV returned him the independence, conceding him the title of University of Alfafara.

Canonically, the parish of Alfafara is bound at the of Bocairent, since the year 1437, for decision of the Archbishop Fra Vilanova’s Tomás, ratified next for the butlla of Saint Pio V, the year 1566. It conceded him the authority of being independent parish at 1782. The populace stayed incorporated at the Government of Xàtiva at 1707 and later, at the of Montesa, until the year 1833, that is incorporated at the province of Alicante, belonging at the judicial party of Alcoi

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